Sloooths NFT:

Web3 Mental Health Project.


London, UK




UI/UX, Branding & User Testing

About the project.

Sloooths is a new collection super cute Sloooths NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain!

All holders will have access to our Meditation App, our Sloooths Sanctuary (Sandbox) Metaverse, raffles, contests, super cute merch and much more! We are working to create a strong community and a brand that will help us all learn more about dealing with Mental Health and bring positivity to this fam!

Our primary focus is to help create a healthier community and give more visibility to the Mental Health topic. So 90% of the effort will be focused on giving back to the community, working with partners to create tools to improve our MH and make them more accessible.

Mental Health is a topic that everyone here on the NFT Space is always looking to discuss and offer support. Is also something that, we artists (speaking from my point of view), have to deal with every day due to the anxiety produced by being constantly connected and participating in the space and the number of hours of work to meet the expectations of collectors. Many forget that we are people behind the projects, sometimes a team, sometimes just one person as was my case.

So after a few difficult situations, I decided to take more care of myself. I was reading an AMAZING book about how to slow down, prioritise and focus on the right things and I decided to start working on the Sloooths. This collection wants to help artists and anyone in this space deal with their Mental Health and understand that they are not alone.

Sloooths are here to help us deal with all this and more bringing experts to talk about this topic, making it visible to everyone, using our app and tools to manage stress and also creating a healthier community.

Creative Process.

As Illustrator having the chance to work on a project totally focus on my art was a dream! So I took my fav animal and worked to create a concept and a few characters inspired on sloths. The point of sloths is to bring a sense of wonder, magic and happiness to all other species. Did you know that every other animal’s favourite animal is the sloth?

For this specific collection I focused all my energies in adding just positivity and good vibes so, all the face expressions, colours, accessories, songs and even animations were created to make people feel happy and excited about the everything related to the Sloooths.

Meditation Platform.

So after a few difficult situations, I decided to take more care of myself. I was reading an AMAZING book about how to slow down, prioritise and focus on the right things and I decided to start working on the Sloooths. This collection wants to help artists and anyone in this space deal with their Mental Health and understand that they are not alone.

Sloooths are here to help us deal with all this and more bringing experts to talk about this topic, making it visible to everyone, using our app and tools to manage stress and also creating a healthier community.

We want you to understand that is ok if you need to take a few days to rest, if you need to talk with someone about this topic or if you want to be part of a more friendly and out of FOMO community. We also translated our website in 4 different languages (English, Spanish, Korean & Japanese) to make easier for our community to follow the project and get as much info as possible.

Our plan is:

  • Inspire you to take care of yourself and understand that you need to be your own priority
  • Create the necessary tools to give you the chance to find the time to relax each day
  • Make connections with experts on this topic that will guide us on this amazing journey
  • We will take care of our community! We already close our Discord every weekend to help our fam to avoid stress and use weekends to relax!
  • Also help Sloths with donations and use our Metaverse space to educate people and show them why they have inspired us!

Meditation Sessions.

As part of our roadmap and working on one of the main content for our future Meditation App, we created a team of experts on this Topic, 1 Copywriter (Marie) for our scrips and 2 coaches (Lydia and Brandy) to create some Meditation Sessions to test with our community.

We invite you to try and enjoy this Sloooths Meditation Session, where we are taking a few minutes to simply relax…

Imagine a beautiful rainforest for a moment…

This is where you’ll find the sloth…

Our Metaverse.

Part of our roadmap, as Sloooths are the owners of a plot of 9 LANDS in SANDBOX, is to create a Digital Rain Forest where all Sloooths owners will have the chance to play and enjoy different experiences.

We have been working to create a few VOXEL models of our Sloooths to get the vibe of how this space it will look and how our super cute Sloooths are going to show us how to enjoy every day and moment!

Check more projects.

Blink Platform.


The Michis NFT Collection.

Personal project